Professional Consulting Services
Integrated Plan for the Victoria Harbour
Located At Victoria, British Columbia
100 – 1019 Wharf Street Victoria, BC V8W 2Y9
Phone: 250.383.8300 | Fax: 250.383.8322
1.0 Table of Contents
2.0 Summary of Basic Information
3.0 Project Purpose and Scope
4.0 Invitation
5.0 Background
6.0 Scope of Services and Work
7.0 Selection Criteria
8.0 Appendices
Appendix A – Lekwungen Traditional Territory
Appendix B – Harbour Context
Appendix C – Integrated Planning Study Areas
Appendix D – Harbour Ownership
Appendix E – Jurisdictional Priorities (Preliminary Scan)
2.0 Summary of Basic Information
1 Issue Date: January 22, 2025
2 Services Professional Consulting Services: Integrated Plan for the Victoria Harbour
3 Site Tour: A general site tour is not mandatory but can be organized upon request. Note: Access to the Breakwater District Terminal will require security escort and attendee information in advance under Transport Canada Regulations.
4 Deadline to submit questions: February 12, 2025, 2.00PM PDT.
5 Last Addenda or Clarifications: Posted February 14, 2025, 2.00PM PDT.
6 GVHA Project Manager: Judith Ethier, CAO & EVP Commercial, Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
7 GVHA Enquiries Contact Information: / Cell: 250 886 8035
8 Closing Date and Time to submit Proposals (“Closing”): March 6, 2025, 2.00PM PDT.
9 Number of Proposals to submit: 1 Electronic Version PDF – via email
10 Proposal Delivery Location: and
3.0 Project Purpose and Scope
Greater Victoria Harbour Authority (GVHA) has initiated a comprehensive integrated planning process that will encompass Victoria, BC harbour waters and uplands owned and operated by GVHA, while considering the various rights, jurisdictions, ownership, and interests of adjacent users and the opportunities that may exist for the entire Victoria harbour. The Integrated Plan for the Victoria Harbour (IP) is intended to provide a forward-thinking strategic framework that enables sustainable marine, commerce, recreation and tourism to grow harmoniously over several decades.
IP recognizes the diverse and layered stakeholders that are located within the harbour. GVHA has struck an Integrated Plan Steering Committee (IPSC) that shall be consulted throughout the IP. The IPSC may be comprised of representatives from Xwsepsum Nation, Songhees Nation, The City of Victoria, The Town of Esquimalt, and GVHA, as well as potentially other GVHA member agencies.
The working boundary of the IP is provided in Appendix B and C, while Appendix A acknowledges that the boundary is within the Traditional Territory of the Lekwungen speaking peoples.
The objectives of the IP are:
- to take a regional, collaborative approach to development opportunities and visioning for the future.
- to support a working harbour with various capabilities and services such as, but not limited to, fueling, storage and vessel lifts, alongside other mixed uses.
- to identify opportunities for sustainability and economic development with the Xwsepsum Nation and Songhees Nation; and
- to identify constraints and/or risks to the long-term stewardship and economic development of the waters and land, and strategies to address constraints and risks.
At the conclusion of this work, the IP will be integral to:
- Developing detailed development plans for GVHA properties
- Galvanize investment and development opportunities
- Clearly identify climate mitigation efforts, and
- Understand financial and economic growth as well as self-sustainability of the harbour.
The process will require extensive, informed, meaningful consultation, engagement and outreach, which will be managed and directed by a separate party utilizing best practice IAP2 principles and coordinated with all parties engaged in the development of the IP. While a separate procurement process for the engagement work will be taking place, it is expected that the successful proponents for both scopes of work will coordinate efforts and outcomes accordingly. If there is a desire by the applying proponent to include this work in their response, please note this. This is not a requirement.
It is envisioned that the IP would provide the necessary robust and practical framework to address future development, risks and opportunities, to make critical decisions to implement harbour growth and uses in a sustainable and harmonious manner.
4.0 Invitation
GVHA is issuing this request for Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) as an invitation to qualified interdisciplinary teams of consultant firms, including but not limited to engineers, architects, professional planners, landscape architects, resilience planners, urban planners, and policy/legislative specialists, to submit a response (the “Submission”) to perform the Services as defined below. A demonstrated understanding of First Nations cultural, economic and social interests is paramount. The SOQ will be submitted by a principal consultant (the “Team Principal”) and should identify any other anticipated team member firms that the Team Principal would expect to subcontract with for provision of the Services.
The Submission, in accordance with the terms of this SOQ, will detail the Team Principal’s qualifications for the provision of integrated planning services (the “Services”). Team Principals may include any number or type of firms that they determine to be helpful or relevant to the completion of the Services, but at a minimum teams would be expected to have firms with expertise in waterfront planning, climate resilience and infrastructure, engineering, urban design, planning, permitting, financing, indigenous participation, and governance. Individual firms may provide expertise in more than one area or may specialize. Subcontractors not identified as the Team Principal may be members of multiple teams.
After the selection of finalist Team Principals based on responses to this SOQ, GVHA anticipates issuing a Request for Proposals (an “RFP”) to the selected Team Principals (the “Selected Team Principals”) for the work to complete the Services for IP. The IP will provide critical technical, economic and planning analysis to guide a planning framework, including infrastructure and servicing solutions, climate change resiliency, land use programming, development of a long- term phasing plan, identification of costs, potential funding mechanisms, economic development opportunities, and to establish a strategy to align and incorporate with statutory land use components such as an Official Community Plan and related policies.
Pursuant to the terms of the RFP, GVHA anticipates executing a contract with the successful team, led by one of the Selected Team Principals (the “Integrated Plan Team”) to complete the Services (the “Contract”).
GVHA is seeking Team Principals that have the following qualifications:
- Experience managing large-scale harbour and waterfront planning processes.
- Experience managing and undertaking the successful design and implementation of complex planning projects of a similar size and scale.
- Experience with marine industrial, cruise, tourism and waterfront mixed used models that provide an economic benefit to the region.
- Demonstrated track record of world-class technical expertise on large-scale climate adaptation measures (both planning and implementation)
- Experience in planning for and implementing large scale transportation projects, including mobility, maritime uses and potential new transportation infrastructure.
- Experience developing accurate, dynamic financial and economic models.
- Experience in working with community engagement processes led by other parties and/or incorporated within your team.
- Experience working in BC and/or on Vancouver Island.
- Experience with First Nations-driven policy planning initiatives and projects.
5.0 Background
5.1 Harbour History
The 1995 National Marine Policy aimed to reduce overcapacity and improve efficiency of the port system in Canada. It was at this time that the Port Divestiture Program was established and the Victoria Esquimalt Harbour Society, the Township of Esquimalt, and the City of Victoria began discussions with Transport Canada on the potential transfer of harbour lands to a new local entity.
At this same time a pivotal case in Aboriginal law was being settled – Delgamuukw v. British Columbia (1997). Delgamuukw is a key case in Aboriginal law. It is the first time that the Canadian government acknowledged that Aboriginal Title exists. Aboriginal Title refers to the inherent Aboriginal right to land based on sufficient, continuous, and exclusive evidence of territorial occupation.
This landmark decision may have influenced Transport Canada’s direction to consider the divestiture of lands to an entity that included the full and meaningful participation of Xʷsepsəm Nation and Songhees Nation.
In 2002, certain harbour lands and waters were divested to GVHA. GVHA was created, with eight member agencies. The member agencies are: Xʷsepsəm Nation, Songhees Nation, Capital Regional District, City of Victoria, Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Destination Greater Victoria, Township of Esquimalt, and the Victoria/Esquimalt Harbour Society
These founding parties recognized that the harbour lies within the traditional territory of the Xʷsepsəm Nation and the Songhees Nation and it is well understood that these Nations did not waive any of their Aboriginal rights related to these lands.
Today, harbour lands and waters within the Victoria Harbour are owned and/or operated by a variety of different entities, including municipal, provincial, federal, private and GVHA ownership. (See Appendix D) This has created challenges in terms of comprehensive, cohesive and harmonious planning and there is an opportunity now for all parties to take a strategic and integrated approach to future Planning.
5.2 Greater Victoria Harbour Authority (GVHA)
GVHA was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in February 2002 under the BC Society Act. GVHA’s Board is now comprised of Directors representing its 8 member agencies and organizations (Xʷsepsəm Nation, Songhees Nation, City of Victoria, Township of Esquimalt, the Victoria Esquimalt Harbour Society, Destination Greater Victoria, Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, and the Capital Regional District). It also comprises four independent directors.
GVHA is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and development of waterfront lands and marine facilities located within the Victoria harbour, including the Breakwater District at Ogden Point, Fisherman’s Wharf, the Customs Dock, the Lower Causeway, Ship Point Pier, James Bay Public Boat Launch and the Causeway, Ship Point, Wharf Street, Broughton, Hyack and Johnson Street marinas (see Appendix C).
Acting as an advocate for the harbour, GVHA is working to improve its function as a working harbour and a marine transportation hub with a strong focus on marine industrial, tourism, harbour employment and environmental stewardship.
On June 11, 2024, GVHA’s Board of Directors approved GVHA’s new vision and mission:
- Canada’s Most ḰʷamḰʷəm (Vibrant) and Xʷčičtəs (Harmonious) Harbour.
- Ensure the long-term stewardship of Lək̓ʷəŋən territory by creating Canada’s first
co-managed port. - Galvanize support and investment in land, sea and people.
- Ensure a productive and inclusive working harbour leading in regional sustainability.
5.3 Integrated Plan (IP) Governance
GVHA is the Project Lead and Funding Partner for IP.
GVHA has struck the IPSC to support project engagement in the Region. It is expected that numerous working groups will also need to be struck throughout the project and will include additional resources and subject matter experts as required.
Each IPSC representative will have an obligation to report back to their respective organizations on update and approvals. It is anticipated that major decisions, including the final IP, may need approval by each organizations’ board of directors, senior management and/or council.
5.4 Information Provided
The following information is provided in the appendices below:
- Appendix A – Lekwungen Traditional Territory for both Xwsepsum Nation and Songhees Nation
- Appendix B – Harbour Context
- Appendix C – Integrated Plan Study Areas
- Appendix D – Harbour Ownership
- Appendix E – Jurisdictional Priorities
6.0 Scope of Services and Work
6.1 Principles and Process
The IP must guide the implementation of future projects through the lens of the following principles, which will be further developed and refined through the engagement process.
The draft principles are:
(a) Vibrant working harbour – by supporting working harbour businesses and activities, alongside other mixed uses to provide benefit to the greater community
(b) Inclusivity – by create a shared vision through a collaborative, robust and comprehensive engagement process
(c) Reconciliation – by acknowledging both Xwsepsum Nation and Songhees Nation as rights holders within the harbour and maintaining the goal of developing meaningful opportunities for economic development
(d) Climate resiliency – by addressing climate adaptation initiatives against multiple hazards of climate change, including storm surge, tidal inundation, groundwater table rise, extreme precipitation, and heat waves
(e) Cohesive regional connectivity – by aligning and regulatory frameworks from various stakeholder groups, which will be vetted and enhanced during the project. See Appendix B for a sampling
The IP is envisioned as an outcome of an iterative process which reflects the goals of GVHA, the IPSC and identified stakeholders (to be defined as part of engagement strategy work). The process will require exceptional project leadership and delivery, combining skills and experience in feasibility analysis, translation of community and stakeholder input and priorities, infrastructure impacts, land uses, the marine and waterfront environment, climate change, urban design, economics, tourism, investment and financial modeling, and lay a clear path forward for phasing and implementation.
6.2 Preliminary Scope of Services and Work:
It is anticipated that further detail of the Scope of Services (SOS) and resulting Scope of Work (SOW) for the completion of the IP will be finalized in an upcoming RFP.
The SOS and SOW will be informed by the responses to this SOQ. To assist proponents in preparing their submissions the Scope of Services may include at a minimum:
- Lead and manage a multidisciplinary team in the preparation and finalization of the IP encompassing the Study Areas identified in Appendix C.
- Engage with GVHA, the IPSC, other stakeholders and partners, and in other forums, to provide summaries on progress, outcomes and results of research, planning and scenarios for the IP.
- Coordinate and complete all necessary supporting documentation and presentations for the IP.
The Scope of Work may include at a minimum:
- Planning, visualization and documentation of the project components.
- Market research including industrial, marine, recreational and tourism use demand and opportunities of the harbour.
- Analysis and definition of baseline infrastructure, utilities, and transportation assessment and high-level analysis on determining future needs.
- Examination of Land Use policies, zoning and bylaws.
- Review existing urban design and landscape policies informing development within the study areas.
- Identifying constraints, risks and opportunities based on current land and water ownership structure, along with governance strategies to successfully implement and sustain the IP.
- Financial and operational strategies and modeling that confirms a path to a financially sustainable harbour for the future, segmented by ownership groups. This would include revenue streams, grant funding and investment opportunities needed to be viable.
- Highlighting through detailed analysis and engagement, opportunities for Xwsepsum Nation and Songhees Nation economic development over the near and long term.
- Economic modelling based on the new uses.
- Coordination with partner and community engagement platforms.
- Integration with other existing Jurisdictional statutory instruments, strategic plans and visioning.
- Phasing and implementation strategy for the IP.
7.0 Selection Criteria
GVHA will determine which Team Principals are prequalified as “Selected Team Principals” to perform the required Services and thus eligible to receive an RFP. GVHA’s determination will be based on the following factors demonstrated in the Submission, including the Team Principal’s:
A. Experience and Qualifications (40%)
- demonstrated experience and excellence acting as a team lead in the successful coordination and delivery of complex interdisciplinary projects within the past five (5) years.
- demonstrated experience in providing services like the Services, as part of multimillion- dollar land and water-based projects similar in nature to this IP, and the quality of those projects and the firm’s participation in such; or the Team Principal’s ability to procure and provide for the completion of the Services through subcontractors on the team (as applicable).
- demonstrated skills and experience working with Indigenous communities on planning-related projects and strategies and demonstrated understanding of meaningful involvement of Indigenous communities and meaningful inclusion of Indigenous traditional knowledge.
proposed team composition, including the proposed organizational structure of firms retained to perform the Services. The Team Principal’s primary project manager (the “Project Manager”), who will be the individual in charge of the overall planning and execution of the Integrated Plan Services and who will serve as a point person for the completion of the Services and the coordination of the team, including: 1) The Project Manager’s demonstrated experience and excellence acting as a Project Manager in complex interdisciplinary planning-focused and public-facing projects and services within the past five years; and 2) The quality of the proposed Project Manager, including (without limitation) their educational and experiential background.
B. Creativity and Vision (30%)
- Ability to generate creative, innovative solutions to highly complex problems and built environments, with multiple ownership interests.
- Ability to develop a compelling and implementable vision for the future of climate resilience and adaptation in the Harbour and region. Ability to bring together multiple disciplines and synthesize them in the development of a dynamic IP.
C. Implementation and Execution (20%)
- Experience and familiarity with approvals, legislative change and working with multiple stakeholders and jurisdictions.
- Experience identifying a clear implementation pathway as part of a long-term development framework, including financing and governance mechanisms.
D. Community Engagement and Consensus-Building (10%)
- Demonstrated experience in working with parties while leading or integrating and aligning strategic, meaningful engagement and integrating diverse needs of many parties into large-scale projects.
- Ability to work with or lead creative strategies to empower partners in developing the vision for a project, and promote their buy-in to a large-scale, future thinking project
7.0 Submittal Requirements
7.1 Submission of SOQ
1. GVHA expectations:
a. Each Submission shall come from the Team Principal. The Team Principal may be one company or a joint venture.
b. The Team Principal will be expected to hold all subcontracts for the Project. If a team utilizes a joint venture structure, then the number of partners in the joint venture must be identified, including a clear explanation and an organizational chart showing the structure and respective ownership percentages. The total number of companies participating in the overall team must be stated.
c. Consultants proposing as the Team Principal, as defined above, may only propose on one team.
d. Each Submission to identify the individual that will serve as the Project Manager. The Project Manager’s CV, references and list of relevant projects must be included as part of the SOQ submission.
e. Each Submission to include resumes and relevant projects from all potential project staff.
f. Each Submission to include a list of any expected subcontract firm team members. The Submission should also include a proposed overall team organization chart that clearly identifies the relationship(s) between team members and the portion of the Services that the Team Principal anticipates each proposed team member would undertake, as well as an organization chart for each individual firm. The chart should clearly identify the overall Project Manager, as described above, as well as the project lead for each of the individual firms.
g. Consultants not identified as the Team Principal may submit information as members of multiple teams.
h. Each Submission should also include the following information for each proposed subcontract firm team member:
i. General Information: Firm name, address, parent company, year established, type of ownership, type of company.
ii. List of Principals’ and Critical Staff Information: Credentials, license information, market segments, technical capabilities.
i. Summary of Relevant Experience: Include information on no more than five (5) projects the firm worked on that are most like this Project and the portion of the Services that the team member would undertake. Detail the specific role the subcontract firm played on the example project.
j. Provide two (2) references from relevant projects.
k. The Submission should include a narrative about the Team Principal’s expected performance of the Services, including allocation of responsibilities between firms (as applicable), expertise in all relevant topic areas, ideas for completion of various tasks and projects, and successful experience in coordinating complex interdisciplinary projects like the Services.
l. To fully evaluate proponent responses, GVHA requires each submission to include the Team Principal’s response to the following questions:
i. What type of process would be proposed to establish design criteria and evaluate alternatives for the IP, while weighing multiple constraints including but not limited engineering, design, permitting and financial feasibility?
ii. What are the three greatest technical and social challenges of climate adaptation within the Harbour, and how would these challenges be addressed?
iii. How does other large-scale planning internationally, nationally, regionally or locally inform your proposal and what critical ‘lessons learned’ will be applied to Victoria Harbour?
iv. How do you foresee integrating economic development opportunities for Xwsepsum Nation and Songhees Nation Rights Holders in delivering this project?
7.2 Submission Administration Requirements
A. Submission Deadline:
1. No later than on March 6, 2025, 2:00 PM PDT
B. Number of Copies:
1. Team Principals must submit a Submission, including a Prompt and an SOQ, in the following format: One (1) PDF copy of the Submission and attachments must be submitted electronically via email.
C. SOQ Information Session
A webinar will be set up to accommodate an information session on January 31, 2.00 PM PDT. Email your questions to no later than January 29, 2024, 2.00 PM PDT to be included in this session.
D. SOQ Administration
1 Notice of Intent to Submit:
To ensure that Team Principals receive any necessary communications and/or addenda for their responses, Team Principals must submit an “intent to Submit” no later than February 21, 2025, 2pm PDT.
Provide a “Intent to submit” email to: with copy to The subject heading must be as follows:
Notice of Intent to Submit: SOQ: Professional Consulting Services Integrated Plan for the Victoria Harbour
E. Questions and Addendum
1. Respondents may submit questions and/or request clarifications in writing to GVHA no later than February 12, 2025, 2.00PM PDT.
2. Any questions or requests for clarifications received after this date will not be answered. All questions received before the above-listed deadline will be answered by February 14, 2025, 2.00PM PDT. and GVHA shall post such answers on its website at, so as to be available to all respondents, if GVHA determines that such answers provide material clarification to the SOQ.
3. If GVHA determines that an amendment is required to this SOQ, GVHA will issue a written addendum that will form part of this SOQ. Any changes relating to this SOQ will be provided to Team Principals by means of written addenda, posted to the website
4. The Team Principal shall be deemed to have acknowledged such addenda; and by submitting a SOQ each Team Principal shall be deemed to have agreed with this process related to the addenda.
5. Any and all Information given orally will not be binding.
F. Acknowledgement of Addenda
1. Team Principals shall provide a summary of Addenda received as part of their submission package.
2. Addenda Items shall be listed as follows:
a. Addenda Number
b. Addenda Date
G. Anticipated Schedule:
The following information about SOQ stages and dates provides timelines for the SOQ.
- SOQ Distributed: January 22, 2025, 2pm PDT
- Submit Questions for Information Session: January 29, 2025, 2pm PDT
- SOQ Information Session, virtual: January 31, 2025, 2pm PDT
- Final Date for Questions to GVHA: February 12, 2025, 2pm PDT
- Final Addendum Issued: February 14, 2025, 2pm PDT
- Notice of Intent to Submit: February 21, 2025, 2pm PDT
- SOQ Submission deadline: March 6, 2025, 2pm PDT
- GVHA Review and assess responses: March 10 to March 24, 2025
- GVHA Notification to all respondents: March 26, 2025, 2pm PDT
- Anticipated GVHA RFP issued: Late March to early April 2025
H. Additional Information:
1. Any Team Principal that submits a Submission to the SOQ shall provide any updates or changes to the status of the Submission within five (5) days of submission.
2. This SOQ is not intended as a formal offering for the award of a contract or for participation in any future solicitation.
3. Subcontractors for the Services shall be subject to the approval of GVHA. GVHA does not intend to grant or issue any agreements based on this SOQ.
4. GVHA, and their officials, officers, agents and employees make no representation or warranty and assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information set forth in the SOQ.
5. No information contained in Submissions shall be deemed confidential and such information may be shared with other member of the IPSC or other relevant parties. Therefore, please do not submit any information that may be deemed proprietary in nature.
6. Neither GVHA nor the IPSC shall be liable for any costs incurred by any respondent in the preparation, submittal, presentation or revision of its submission. Neither GVHA or the IPSC shall be obligated to pay and shall not pay any costs in connection with the preparation of such submissions.
7. All submissions shall become the property of GVHA and will not be returned.
8. GVHA, in its sole discretion, reserves without limitation, the right to discuss various approaches with one or more respondents (including parties not responding to the SOQ); and to use the ideas and/or submissions in any manner deemed to be in the best interests of GVHA including but not limited to soliciting competitive submissions relating to such ideas or proposals and/or undertaking the prescribed work in a manner other than that which is set forth herein.
9. GVHA reserves the right to waive, modify or amend any terms, conditions or provisions of this SOQ, with or without notice, with respect to one or more respondents, to negotiate procurement of the Services on terms other than those set forth herein (including to parties other than those responding to this SOQ), to require supplemental statements and information from any respondents, to establish additional terms and conditions, to require a respondent to modify and cure its submission if it is non-responsive to the SOQ or if it does not otherwise comply with one or more requirements of the SOQ, to request a respondent make changes to a Submission, to entertain modifications or additions to selected Submission, or to reject any or all Submissions, if in its judgment it is in the best interest of GVHA to do so.
10. In all cases, GVHA, conferring with other members of IPSC, shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of the Submissions. GVHA will enforce the Submission deadline stated in the SOQ at its sole discretion. The timing of the selection may differ depending upon the degree to which further information on individual Submissions must be obtained or due to other factors that GVHA may consider pertinent. GVHA reserves the right to reject one or all proposals, if in the opinion of GVHA, and in consultation with IPSC, the submission does not meet the requirements set out in this SOQ.
11. GVHA Standard Contract and Insurance terms and conditions shall be provided for review with the RFP at a later date.
8.0 Appendices
Appendix A – Lekwungen Traditional Territory

For both Xʷsepsəm Nation and Songhees Nation
Supplemental to the area depicted above, Lekwungen Traditional Territory also extends to portions of San Juan Island with the United States.
Appendix B – Harbour Context

Appendix B illustrates the Harbour Area that will be considered to directly or indirectly influence the Integrated Plan from a consultation and activity basis, based on the various marine uses and impacts. Consultation for upland connectivity of uses, transportation, etc. influences may extend further than this boundary area.
Appendix C – Integrated Plan Study Areas
An Integrated Plan will be developed for each of the areas identified below.
Appendix D – Harbour Ownership

Photo Credit: City of Victoria
Appendix E Jurisdictional Priorities (Preliminary Scan)
Blue Economy Regulatory Roadmap
City of Victoria Official Community Plan and Strategic Plan
Destination Greater Victoria Master Plan 2035
Greater Victoria Harbour Authority Strategic Plan
Songhees Nation Strategic Plan
Township of Esquimalt Official Community Plan and Strategic Plan
Xwsepsum Nation Community Plan and Marine Stewardship Action Plan